Get Covered Florida
Signing up for an Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplace health insurance plan is an important step in keeping you and your family healthy. And, you may get help paying for your plan.
ACA Marketplace plans can help a wide range of individuals

Is This You?
Self-employed or independent contractor
Your employer offers health coverage, but you can’t afford to add your family members onto that same plan
Unemployed or working fewer hours than normal
Not working because you’re caring for children or elderly parents
Never had insurance and not sure how it works
Think you can’t afford coverage or don’t need it because you’re healthy
Putting your own care last so your family can get care
Plan to pay for health care as you go
Waiting until you qualify for Medicare
Know the Facts
Make sure you know the facts about health insurance so you can make the right decision for you and your loved ones.
Many People Are Eligible
Many people, including those with several immigration statuses, can enroll in health insurance through the ACA Marketplace.
Coverage Could Be As Low As $0 If You Qualify
The federal government increased financial assistance to help more people afford health insurance through the ACA.
Tips to Help Choose a Plan
Shopping for health insurance doesn't have to be overwhelming. Asking a few key questions can help you find the right plan for your budget.
More working families now qualify for financial help
If you get your health coverage through your job, your family members may qualify for an ACA plan with financial assistance.
Health Challenges for Black and Hispanic Families
Black and Hispanic people often face unique health challenges, making health coverage even more important.
Lost Medicaid or CHIP? You could get an ACA plan.
Many people who no longer qualify for Medicaid or CHIP coverage, can get a subsidy to help pay for an ACA plan.
Don't leave money on the table
9 out of 10
people in Florida with Marketplace plans got financial help in 2023.1
or less per month is what more than 1 in 3 people in Florida paid for an Marketplace plan in 2023.1
is the amount 460,000 more uninsured Floridians could pay for monthly for health coverage.2
3.2 million
Florida residents were enrolled in Marketplace health insurance in 2023.3
is how much parents in their 50s with 2 teenagers can earn and only have a monthly payment of $10 after financial help.4
is how much a 28-year-old single person could earn and pay $10 a month after financial help for her health plan.4

Think health insurance is confusing?
You’re not alone. Understanding how health insurance from the ACA Marketplace works is an important first step.
The More You Know About Health Insurance, the Easier it is to Make Decisions
Common Health Insurance Myths
Make sure you know the facts about health insurance so you can make the right decision for you and your family.
Ready to shop?
You have options. If you don't know where to start, working with an agent or navigator may be the best option for you. They can make the process easier. If you want to try doing it on your own, you can visit and start looking at your plan options.
Talk to or video chat with an insurance agent
They’ll work with you to understand your family’s needs, help find out if you qualify for a subsidy, and enroll you in the plan that best meets your needs and budget.
Check with your preferred insurance company to find an agent near you
Contact a health navigator
Health Navigators are not tied to any one type of health plan. And they can help you understand which health plan options in the Marketplace are available to you.
Call or visit the Marketplace
You can call the Health Care Marketplace directly for help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They can help you enroll in a plan and see if you qualify for financial help.
12023 OEP State-Level Public Use File
2Based on actuarial analysis of the 2019 American Community Survey Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS), with adjustments due to Covid-19 of Florida’s Medicaid Growth from the Agency for Health Care Administration, individual enrollment growth from CMS’ 2023 Open Enrollment Report and job losses from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
4Based on American Rescue Plan subsidies for a Bronze plan in Monroe County, FPL and benchmark premiums in other Florida counties for 2024.
Content brought to you by Florida Blue, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.
©2021 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. DBA Florida Blue. All rights reserved.
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