Special Health Challenges for Black and Hispanic Families
Health coverage can help prevent or manage many common conditions.

Preventive screenings can save lives
Black women get breast cancer at the same rate as white women but are 40% more likely to die from it.1

Wellness programs build healthy lifestyles
Black people die from stroke at the highest rate of any race/ethnicity, and Black people are twice as likely as whites to have a stroke.2 A healthy lifestyle can help guard against stroke.

Care programs help with chronic conditions
Hispanics are 70% more likely than whites to be diagnosed with diabetes.3

There’s no health without mental health
People in Black and Hispanic communities are 30% to 40% more likely to have undiagnosed depression. Only 1 in 3 Black adults who need mental health care receive it.4

Annual checkups keep your health on track
Black adults are 30% more likely to have high blood pressure but less likely than white adults to have it under control. Black women are almost 50% more likely to have high blood pressure than white women.5

It’s easy to get covered — Find out how
Because of the Affordable Care Act, people of all races and ethnicities are now more likely to have health insurance. But more Hispanics (19%) and Blacks (11%) remain uninsured than whites (7%).6