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Understanding Medicare and VA Benefits
Bridging the gap in your healthcare coverage
As a Veteran, you may be receiving healthcare benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). While the VA provides excellent coverage for service-connected conditions and other eligible healthcare services, you may still encounter gaps in your coverage.
That's where our BlueMedicare Patriot PPO plan comes in – to bridge those gaps and provide additional benefits that enhance your overall healthcare experience.
How Medicare and VA benefits work together
The VA health care and Medicare are two separate programs that work together to provide you comprehensive coverage. Here's how they complement each other:
The VA provides coverage for service-connected conditions and other eligible healthcare services. When you choose to use your VA benefits, you must visit a VA doctor or facility. In some cases, the VA will cover your care at a non-VA facility as long as it’s pre-authorized.
When using your Original Medicare plan, you must receive care at a Medicare-authorized facility and the plan will only pay for Medicare-covered service such as chronic diseases, routine doctor visits, and hospital stays.
Our BlueMedicare Patriot PPO plan builds upon your VA coverage by offering extra benefits beyond Original Medicare.
BlueMedicare Patriot Benefits include:
Help paying your Part B premium with a part B giveback
$0 deductible for MA covered services outside the VA
Low costs for services received outside the VA but within the plans network
Eliminate long wait times for to obtain services at the VA
Additional coverage for dental, vision, and hearing without having to meet special eligibility requirements
Peace of mind know you have comprehensive coverage
Receive additional benefits above VA and Original Medicare such as, money to spend each quarter on everyday health items such as toothpaste and aspirin and a SilverSneakers® fitness program membership, without having to give up your VA benefit - all for no additional plan premium
Call a licensed Medicare agent.
(TTY 1-800-955-8770)
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Medicare Educational Resources
Find more resources and helpful information in our Medicare education library.
Medicare Basics Guide
July 2024
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