September 28, 2023
Scott Mathews recently learned he had a heart condition and was doing his best to manage his ongoing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Each of these conditions required him to see medical specialists and take prescription drugs. When he realized there was a problem with a referral and he could no longer see his long-time pulmonologist, he reached out to Florida Blue for help. Soon after, he got a call that would quickly put him back on track.
A phone call changed everything
Florida Blue care team registered nurse Melissa initially reached out to Scott because of his newly diagnosed heart condition. When she learned he was at risk of running out of his COPD medication, she promised to help.
First, Melissa coached Scott on the best ways to manage his heart condition and answered his questions about prescriptions and ways to stay as healthy as possible. Then, she looked at his records and discovered the pulmonologist hadn’t received referral paperwork from Scott’s primary care doctor – something that’s required in order for his pulmonology visits to be covered by his insurance plan. She pulled from her medical training, knowledge of working with doctor’s offices, and understanding of Florida Blue health insurance benefits and, within a few weeks, she was able to get Scott back to seeing his pulmonologist to treat his COPD.
Melissa’s priority was making sure Scott could get the care he needed, and he can’t thank her enough for being his advocate. “I’d been getting nowhere trying to resolve this on my own, and Melissa fixed it,” he said. “Whatever tree she shook was the right tree.”
Help finding a new doctor – and virtual help anytime
Next, Melissa helped Scott switch to a new primary care doctor who would be a better fit to support his health moving forward. And because his primary care appointment was a few months away, she taught him on how to use Teladoc* for virtual doctor visits in the meantime. This came in handy when the doctor at Teladoc refilled his medications, so he’d have plenty on hand until he’d see his new primary care doctor.
Anytime Scott has a question, he knows Melissa is just a phone call away. “She just goes above and beyond. She really does care,” Scott said.
Get the support you need at no extra cost
Scott was shocked to learn that getting support and care from nurse Melissa came at no extra cost because he’s a member. He now tells anyone who has a Florida Blue plan about the care team. “I want everyone to know how much is included in their Florida Blue plan,” Scott said.
The Florida Blue Care Team nurses are here to support our members at every stage of their health care journey, including coordinating care with their doctor’s office, educating them on health conditions and prescriptions, helping them get in-home health services, and much more. Melissa really enjoys supporting people like Scott and hopes more members will call for help. “Nurses have a better day when we can help people,” she said.
Scott was assigned to a care team due to his recent diagnosis, but Florida Blue members can also call the team directly to ask for the support they need.
Read more about our care teams or call them directly based on the type of health coverage you have:
- Individual and Family Plans (including Employer Provided Plans)
- Florida Blue Medicare Plans
*Teladoc is an independent company contracted by Florida Blue to provide physician visits via phone or online video to members with non-emergent medical issues. Teladoc is only available in the U.S. Teladoc® is a trademark of Teladoc, Inc.