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June 25, 2024

While Florida Blue is celebrating its 80th anniversary in 2024, some of our members are celebrating decades of being part of the Florida Blue family. 

As the state’s population has grown over time, we’ve created a community of care and support to help ensure our members know that, with a Florida Blue or Florida Blue Medicare health insurance plan, they’re never alone.

Inge M. has been with Florida Blue for nearly five decades now, partly because of the personalized resources that are part of her benefits.

Loyalty runs deep

In 1977, at 20, Inge enrolled in her first Florida Blue plan. “My husband and I were always self-employed as farmers,” said the Florida native, “so we bought a family plan and have stayed with Florida Blue for 47 years.”

Inge and her husband farmed peanuts, corn, soybeans, cotton, and cattle in rural north Florida while raising two children. Even when they were young, they understood the importance of having health insurance.

“No one ever plans on getting sick or hurt,” Inge said, “but I knew I wanted to invest in the best health insurance for me and my family. Florida Blue has always been the gold standard in health insurance in my eyes.”

Our Care Team nurses are the ultimate after-care champions 

In 2022, Inge had emergency surgery that required her to need a colostomy bag. She reached out to the Florida Blue Care Team and connected with registered nurse Terry, whose after-care support was vital to her recovery, both physically and emotionally.

“From the day I left the hospital, nurse Terry felt like a personal angel watching over me. She was always available to answer my questions and supported me throughout my recovery. She regularly checked on my doctor appointments, supplies, and how I was feeling. She also arranged for home nurses to teach my daughter how to care for my wound and colostomy bag.

“When we were low on supplies and had shipping issues, she promptly contacted the supplier to resolve the problem and secure what I needed. It would have been very stressful to navigate getting the services I needed without her.”

Our Care Team nurses support members by:

  • Coordinating their care with doctors, hospitals, and other facilities.
  • Educating them on managing new or ongoing health conditions.
  • Arranging for virtual care and in-home services, when needed.
  • Helping them get care, prescriptions, and supplies for the least out of their pocket.

Family, farming, and felines — life is good!

Healthy again, Inge enjoys family time, reading, gardening, farm life, and spoiling her cats, Tuxalina and Waylon.

 “Florida Blue is always there when you need them the most and they will guide you through the entire way!”

Care and support at no extra cost

To get the extra support you need, read more about our care teams, or call them directly based on the type of health coverage you have:

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