1. Limitations and Exclusions
Policies have limitations and exclusions. The amount of benefits provided depends upon the plan selected and the premium may vary with the amount of benefits selected. Networks may change throughout the year.
2. Better You Strides Rewards Program
The Better You Strides Rewards program is available to Florida Blue members age 18 years or older covered under an ACA or Fully insured group plan. If you have Florida Blue coverage through your job, ask your benefits administrator if you qualify. Each covered member age 18 years or older is eligible for a one-time reward for joining the program. Rewards earned are subject to the annual program maximum. Reward terms and conditions apply.
Florida Blue has entered into an arrangement with Onlife to provide Florida Blue members with care decision support services, information, and other services. Please remember that all decisions that require or pertain to independent professional medical/clinical judgment or training, or the need for medical services, are solely your responsibility and the responsibility of your physicians and other health care providers. The programs mentioned above are subject to change.
3. Lyft
One (1) Lyft ride available to members 18 years or older up to $50 roundtrip, subject to terms and conditions. Lyft is an independent third party that provides transportation services.
4. Blue365®
Blue365® offers access to savings on items that Florida Blue members may purchase directly from independent vendors. Blue365 does not include items covered under your policies with Florida Blue or any applicable federal health care program. Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association (BCBSA) and Florida Blue may receive payments from Blue365 vendors. Neither BCBSA nor Florida Blue recommends, endorses, warrants or guarantees any specific Blue365 vendor or item. For more information about Blue365, go to floridablue.com/blue-365-disclaimer.
5. Value Choice Provider
Value Choice Provider (VCP) is a designation Florida Blue and Florida Blue HMO gives to some in-network providers, including Sanitas Medical Center and GuideWell Emergency Doctors. $0 VCP primary care visits do not apply to Health Savings Account (HSA) plans, Simple Choice plans, or myBlue plans 2286 and 2286O. $0 for first two (2) VCP urgent care visits and reduced cost VCP specialist visits do not apply to HSA plans and Simple Choice plans; VCP services will be covered at the cost share amount that would apply to non-VCPs.
6. Teladoc
Teladoc is an independent company contracted by Florida Blue to provide physician visits via phone or online video to members with non-emergent medical issues. Teladoc is only available in the U.S. Teladoc® is a trademark of Teladoc, Inc. Teladoc is not available to members with a myBlue plan or a Florida Blue Medicare Advantage plan. Check with your doctor to see if they offer virtual visits.
7. Behavioral Health
Florida Blue contracts with Lucet to provide behavioral health services.
8. meQuilibrium
meQuilibrium is an independent company contracted by Florida Blue to provide health services.
9. Rewards
Rewards programs restrictions and limitations may apply. For complete details log in to your floridblue.com member account.
10. Tivity Health
Terms, Conditions and Limitations Apply. Tivity Health Services, LLC, is an independent vendor that provides solutions to improve health and well-being. Fitness Your Way and Tivity Health are registered trademarks of Tivity Health, Inc.
11. Healthy Addition Prenatal Program
All decisions that require or pertain to independent professional medical or clinical judgment or training, or the need for medical services, are solely your responsibility and that of your treating Physician and/or health care Providers. You and your Physicians are responsible for deciding what medical care should be rendered or received, and when that care should be provided.
12. Amazon Pharmacy
Amazon Pharmacy does not dispense Schedule 2 controlled substance or specialty drugs. MedsYourWay prescription drug discount card, administered by Inside Rx LLC, is not insurance. You are responsible for the cost of prescription(s) when using the card. Limitations apply. The discount pricing card is automatically available to all members with no additional sign up needed. The card is electronic only, a physical card will not be mailed. Average savings are based on usage and Inside Rx data as compared to cash prices; average savings are up to 80% for all generics and 37% for select brand medicines. Restrictions apply. Check your plan policy/plan's benefit booklet/contract for more information on what applies to the out-of-pocket maximum. If your medicine has an unfulfilled requirement, the cost may not count toward your (accumulator) out-of-pocket maximum. Typical requirements include prior authorization (PA) needed, quantity limit exceeded, or step therapy needed. Amazon Pharmacy is an independent company contracted to provide Pharmacy Home Delivery services for both Florida Blue and Florida Blue HMO, an affiliate of Florida Blue. These companies are Independent Licensees of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
13. Annual Wellness Checkups
Many Florida Blue plans cover annual wellness checkups, including covered vaccinations, lab work, and screenings, for a $0 copay. During your checkup, if you need medical tests or treatments, prescriptions, or a referral, you may have a cost share. When scheduling your checkup with a new doctor for the first time, ask if you need a new patient visit before your checkup. If so, you may have a cost share for the new patient visit.
14. Walgreens
Walgreens©️ and myWalgreens™️ are trademarks of Walgreen Co. Walgreens is an independent contracted pharmacy provider, and not otherwise affiliated with Florida Blue.
15. SilverSneakers
SilverSneakers(R) is a registered trademark of Tivity Health, Inc. ©️2024 Tivity Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
16. Prime Therapeutics
Florida Blue contracts with Prime Therapeutics, LLC to provide pharmacy benefit management and mail order pharmacy services.
17. Finding a Doctor
If you have a Florida Blue health plan through your employer, you may need to use a different online provider directory (OPD). Please check the website listed on the front or back of your member ID card to visit your OPD and find care options.