FAQs on choosing a doctor, specialist, hospital, etc.
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Log in to your member account 24/7 and view your Benefit Booklet. Select Request Benefit Booklet located under the My Account, Benefits, & Claims Tab and follow the prompts.
For the most up-to-date information, log in to your member account and click on Find a Doctor, our online provider list. You can quickly search for providers, print your search results or print a customized list. Or you can contact Customer Service at the number on your ID card or call 1-800-FLA-Blue (352-2583) and we’ll be happy to mail a list to you.
As soon as your plan is effective, you can see your doctor. Make an appointment for your annual wellness checkup right away to stay on top of your health. Most plans include an annual wellness visit at no additional cost, if the doctor is in your plan’s network. See top right corner of your ID card for your plan name (i.e., BlueOptions, BlueCare). Check your benefits for your cost-share, if any. Simply log in at FloridaBlue.com.
When traveling out-of-state, you’re covered under the BlueCard® Program. You’ll receive in-network benefits and will be protected from balance billing when receiving covered services from a BlueCard® participating provider. To find a BlueCard® participating provider, visit Find a Doctor and More, then select the BlueCard® Doctor and Hospital Finder, or call 1-800-810-BLUE.
BlueCare -That depends on which Florida Blue health plan you have.
BlueCare or myBlue: Yes. Select a participating primary care physician (PCP) from our BlueCare or myBlue network, or one will be selected for you when you enroll. To change your PCP online, log in and click Update My PCP.
BlueChoice,BlueOptions, or BlueSelect: No. With these plans, you are free to see any physician without a referral. However, you can minimize your costs by selecting health care providers who are general practitioners, internists or family physicians and who participate in our BlueChoice, BlueOptions or BlueSelect networks. To see if your provider is in your plan’s network, log in and look them up using the Find Care Near Me search bar.
Can I change my Primary Care Physician any time I want?
Yes. You may select a new PCP at any time. To change your PCP online, log in and click Update My PCP.
If you live in Broward, Miami-Dade, Palm Beach Martin, Indian River, Monroe, Okechobee or St. Lucie county and have BlueCare coverage, you or your routine eye doctor must contact Eye Management, Inc. at 1-800-329-1152, Option 1, before you receive ophthalmology services in these counties. This is the company that authorizes ophthalmology services and can refer you to a participating doctor for coverage under your BlueCare health plan.