Contact Us

Call Member Services at 1-800-926-6565 (TTY 1-800-955-8770)

Hours: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. local time, seven days a week, from October 1 through March 31, except for Thanksgiving and Christmas. From April 1 through September 30, our hours are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. local time, Monday through Friday, except for major holidays.

Caregiver Resources

Florida Blue Medicare understands the importance of supporting caregivers like you. That's why we offer a range of resources to help you care for your loved one.

There may be times when you need access to your loved one’s health information. Your loved one will need to give us permission for you to access their personal information and make decisions on their behalf.

Protected health information
Florida Blue members can authorize a loved one to have access to their claims and coverage information by submitting a Consent for Release of Protected Health Information (PHI). 
Download form

Appoint a representative
Florida Blue members have the right to appoint a representative who may act on their behalf in exercising his or her right during the determination of an exception, appeal, or grievance.
Download form

Advance directives
An advance directive describes the kinds of medical care a person wants to have if something happens to them and they can't speak for themself. There are several types of advance directives recognized in the state of Florida, including a Living Will, a Health Care Surrogate Designation and an Anatomical Donation.
Visit the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration to learn more.

Use our Caregiver’s Checklist if you’re helping someone you love shop for a Medicare plan. 

View the checklist

You’ll find all the information you need to help you understand how Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage works, including how to set up a payment plan for medications. 

Learn more

Medication Therapy Management (MTM) can help Florida Blue Medicare members get the best results from their medications. When members take part in the MTM program, they get one-on-one support from a Florida Blue Medicare pharmacist to help them manage and get the most out of their medications. 

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Our expert health specialists are here to help you manage conditions and offer resources for members and caregivers. We’ll even make it easy by coming to you! 

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Looking for more information for caregivers?

As a caregiver, we want you to know that you're not alone. In fact, one in five Floridians take on this important role, often in addition to other responsibilities like work and family obligations. To better support caregivers like you, we offer a range of tools and guidance to help caregivers navigate the challenges of caring for a loved one. Our site offers: 

•    Caregiver Guide to create a personalized caregiving plan, making it easier to manage your loved one's care over time.
•    Important Forms you may need to manage your loved one's health.
•    Tips and resources to help you take care of yourself.

Learn more

Caregiver help is a phone call away

Florida Blue Medicare Advantage members and their caregivers have the support of Carallel. Receive unlimited support from Carallel qualified and compassionate care advocates over the phone, chat or email — all at no extra cost. And Carallel offers support and resources in both English and Spanish.

Carallel can help with:
•    Figuring out next steps
•    Home safety tips
•    Making caregiving more affordable
•    Finding the right in-home care or help with assisted living
•    Mediation or coaching through family dynamics 
•    Being a listening ear who understands what you’re going through

Carallel also offers many resources to help caregivers:
•    Sign up for their caregiver newsletter
•    Join a support group
•    Watch their Caregiver Journey Conversations that tackle tough caregiving topics, and read caregiver stories and blogs

Call Carallel today
1-855-955-3010 (TTY 711)
Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. or sign up to connect with compassionate experts to get personalized help

Visit Carallel

Don’t know where to start or need help right away?

Community Specialists are social service professionals who work in our Florida Blue Centers across the state. Their services are at no extra cost and available for everyone in the community. Our community specialists can connect you with the help you need as a caregiver:

  • Finding respite care in your community
  • Connecting you to financial resources, including support for paying utilities and other bill
  • Pointing you toward groups dedicated to your loved one’s condition
  • Finding caregiving support groups

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Last Updated: 10.01.2024